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Here you can find European funded projects in the areas of software technology, cybersecurity, and digital infrastructure. Use the search filter to find projects relevant to you.

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Available Projects (65)
Showing 25 - 36

The FASTEN project is developing an intelligent software package management system that will enhance... Discover project
Project FISHY aims at designing, developing, validating, and demonstrating a coordinated framework... Discover project
Unifying edge and cloud Edge computing refers to a range of networks and devices that are close to... Discover project
Continuous engineering for new-era, complex smart robotics Applications are increasingly being... Discover project
Cloud computing is transitioning from a few large data centres to a truly decentralized computing... Discover project
Boosting the standardisation impact of R&I projects The standardisation of R&I project results is... Discover project
Improving cloud computing performance and sustainability in Europe The EU-funded HUB4CLOUD project... Discover project
Operating system for next-gen edge and cloud computing Building an extensive ecosystem where the... Discover project
Despite rising investments in BigData, AI and IoT in finance/insurance, financial and insurance... Discover project
During the last decades, supply chains have become huge networks of heterogeneous organisations... Discover project
The traditional cloud centric IoT has clear limitations, e.g. unreliable connectivity, privacy... Discover project
Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the next big concepts to support societal changes and economic... Discover project