ICSR 2022

The International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse (ICSR) is the premier event in the field of software reuse research and technology. The main goal of ICSR is to present the most recent advances and breakthroughs in the area of software reuse and to promote an intensive and continuous exchange among researchers and practitioners. The guiding theme of this edition is reuse and software quality.
The 20th International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse (ICSR-2022) will be held on June 15-17 2022, as a full virtual event.
Selected papers from ICSR 2022 will be invited to be extended and submitted to the Software Reuse for the Next Generation special issue of the Journal of Systems and Software.
SWForum.eu at ICSR2022
SWForum's John Favaro will be participating in a panel titled "Software Reuse - Are We There Yet?" on June 16 from 16:30 to 17:15 CEST. As the Communication and Dissemination Leader and Senior Analyst at Trust-IT Services, John Favaro will contribute his expertise to the session.
Additionally, John Favaro recently joined other notable speakers, including Martin Griss, known as HP's "Reuse Rabbi," in a discussion about the most influential paper titled "The Reuse Rabbi Reflects" by Martin Griss. This paper, published in the Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Software Reuse in 1998, explores the convergence and maturation of various technologies and methods in reuse, architecture, modeling, process, and domain engineering. The paper, authored by Martin Griss, John Favaro, and M. D'Alessandro, focuses on the integration of feature modeling with the RSEB (Reuse-Supporting Environment Builder).