The Fellowship Programme: Empowering the European Software Industry is proud to announce that it has launched its Fellowship Programme, bringing in significant expertise to support its objectives of fostering a sustainable European forum for researchers and practitioners in software engineering, digital infrastructures, and cybersecurity.
The Fellowship Programme has been established to support the project, by fostering a sustainable European forum for stakeholders representing scientific researchers, providers, developers, operators and policymakers linked to software technologies, digital infrastructures and cybersecurity. It will help to raise awareness and contribute to the competitiveness of the European Software Industry while ensuring that the project maintains a high international profile in the software technology arena.
The Programme has engaged six experts from a variety of backgrounds and institutions, who will be contributing insights and perspectives on critical areas in software technology today, such as open source and artificial intelligence. In addition to technical expertise, the group of experts will also be providing policy-related contributions, targeting not only decision-makers with recommendations to inform and improve the elaboration of software-related policies and programmes, but also practitioners in the field, with analyses in order to help them understand and deal with the effects of these policies on their products, services, and competitive strategies.
Know more about the SWForum Fellowship Experts.
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About, the European forum of the software research community, aims to raise awareness and strengthen the competitiveness of the European Software Industry by facilitating a sustainable European forum that encourages both researchers and practitioners, as well as projects in software, digital infrastructure, and cybersecurity to create intersections of expertise and a multidisciplinary approach to research and innovation.
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