SWForum European forum of the software research community addresses ICT-50-2020 as a Coordination and support action (CSA).

SWForum will raise awareness and strengthen the competitiveness of the European Software Industry by facilitating a sustainable European forum for stakeholders representing scientific researchers, providers, developers, operators and policy-makers relevant to software technologies, digital infrastructures and cybersecurity. The 30-month project will maintain a practical approach addressing all the needs of a pragmatic, coordination structure required for the E2 unit.

The outputs of SWForum include:

  1. Cross-fertilization workshops between the areas of software, digital infrastructures, and cybersecurity,
  2. A self-sustainable forum of researchers and practitioners supported by a fellowship programme as an innovative funding instrument and an online platform to share experiences,
  3. Research and Innovation Roadmaps for the EC policy officers and stakeholders,
  4. EU-project radar to enhance the visibility of European based software technology projects, and
  5. Market TRL methodology as capacity building and engagement facilitator towards Policy Innovation.

The Consortium is competent, lean & complementary. Coordinated by TECNALIA, enabling key penetration into the research community (via EARTO2) & supported by 4 experienced partners in ensuring significant impact with expanding the reach of the project and boosting the results. Partners range from academia & SMEs, with strategic leading European players, combining business know-how and deep technical insights into Software Technology. Direct connections within the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO – CONCEPTIVITY as Vice Chairman of the Board and TECNALIA as Board Member) and the European Organisation for Security (EOS - CONCEPTIVITY as Vice Chairman of the Board and TECNALIA as Board Member guarantees that SWForum.eu truly does represent and reach the broadest community of stakeholders.

  • 957044
  • Oct 01 2020
    Mar 31 2023
  • https://www/swforum.eu
  • Software Operations
  • Software Technology
  • Contact
