Software Technologies and Standards: Enabling Interoperability and Innovation

The second webinar series took place on 21 February at 15:00 (CET) and provided an overview and key insights on how software technologies and standards are enabling interoperability and innovation in Europe.
Watch the recording and download a copy of the speakers' presentations here.
Download the full recommendation report here!
Come join us at our third webinar series on April 20, 2023, at 11:00–12:30 CEST, entitled "DevOps Innovation in Practice: New lifecycle processes, new applications", focusing on Innovation in DevOps lifecycle processes, practices, and culture.
On 2 February 2022, the European Commission presented a new Standardisation Strategy, with the aim to "strengthen the EU's global competitiveness, to enable a resilient, green and digital economy and to enshrine democratic values in technology applications. They help manufacturers ensure the interoperability of products and services, reduce costs, improve safety and foster innovation.” Software technology, digital infrastructure, and cybersecurity are all deeply affected by standards, but awareness of both the utility and the necessity of standards is often lacking in the software community.
A first objective of this webinar is to present practical examples of standards at work in applications ranging from virtual and augmented reality to autonomous mission-critical components. Different types of standards ranging from international norms to telecom technical specifications to open data exchange will be presented and discussed.
A second objective is to raise awareness of programmes and assistance made available to the software community by the European Commission for effective use of standards and participation in the standardisation process.
Target Audience:
- Software technology and digital infrastructure communities
- Standardisation experts in ICT technologies
- EC-funded H2020 and Horizon Europe projects with interest in standardisation
- Policy makers and decision makers
- Representatives from ESOs, NSBs and SDOs.
15:00-15:05: Welcome overview
- Juncal Alonso – SWForum Project Coordinator, R&D Project Manager, TECNALIA
15:05-15:15: Session Keynote: Open Source Software & Standardisation Strategy
- Open Source, Standardisation and Open Computing Architectures - Luis Carlos Busquets Perez – EU Programme Officer in DG Connect E2
15:15-15:45: Leveraging standards in software development initiatives
- CHARITY – Supporting advanced media applications with standards
- Ferran Diego, Telefonica
- MEDINA – Standards support for a continuous certification framework
- Jesus Luna Garcia, Bosch
- EUCloudEdgeIoT – The role of standards in an open European ecosystem across the computing continuum industry
- Maria Giuffrida, Trust-IT Services
15:45-15:55: Standardisation resources available to researchers
- Project – Standardisation guidance and assistance for projects
- Ray Walshe, Dublin City University
15:55-16:25: Panel discussion
- Moderator: John Favaro – Trust-IT and
- Panellists:
- Ferran Diego - CHARITY
- Jesus Luna Garcia - MEDINA
- Maria Giuffrida - EUCloudEdgeIoT
- Ray Walshe -
16:25-16:30: Wrap-up and closing remarks
- Juncal Alonso – Project Coordinator
Did you miss our latest webinar series on "Leveraging OS technologies for better services in the European software ecosystem"?
No problem! You still have the opportunity to catch up and benefit from the valuable insights and recommendations shared by EU-funded projects in this field. You can watch the video recordings and download the post-webinar reports from our website. Click here.
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