Innovative Solutions Ahead: Software Technologies and Standards Recommendation Report Launched Today, in collaboration with EU-funded projects namely, CHARITY, MEDINA, EUCloudEdgeIoT, and, has released the recommendation report from the second webinar series on "Software Technologies and Standards: Enabling Interoperability and Innovation," held on February 21, 2023.
Download the full report here!
The joint report emphasizes the importance of software standards to achieve interoperability and promote innovation. The report outlines the benefits and challenges of software standards, discusses the key stakeholders involved in their development, and provides recommendations for policymakers, industry players, and standardisation organisations to foster a more effective and efficient software standardisation ecosystem.
The report also highlights emerging trends and technologies that may have implications for software standardisation, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain. Overall, the report underscores the crucial role of software standardisation in promoting interoperability and innovation and provides actionable recommendations for stakeholders to advance this important area.
During the webinar, we managed to gather 35 live participants from 16 countries across the globe: 12 EU Member States and 4 non-EU/global countries. The majority of them were from EC-funded H2020 and Horizon Europe projects with interest in standardisation (40%), followed by software technology and digital infrastructure communities (37%), policy makers and decision makers (11%), standardisation experts in ICT technologies (9%), and representatives from ESOs, NSBs, and SDOs (3%).
Read the report here, and you can find the recording and presentations here.
Join the Webinar: DevOps Innovation in Practice
On April 20, 2023, at 11:00–12:30 CEST, is organising its third webinar series, entitled "DevOps Innovation in Practice: New lifecycle processes, new applications", focusing on exploring the latest innovations and best practices in DevOps for software development lifecycle management. This webinar will showcase some of the exciting new results coming out of R&D projects dedicated to advancing the state of the art in DevOps for advanced software systems.
Reserve your spot and join the discussion with the EU-funded projects that are working in the field, namely COSMOS, VeriDevOps, DESTINI, and PIACERE, key actors from industry and academia interested in software development (dev) and operations (ops).