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Here you can find European funded projects in the areas of software technology, cybersecurity, and digital infrastructure. Use the search filter to find projects relevant to you.

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Available Projects (65)
Showing 37 - 48

The IoTAC project aims to deliver a secure and privacy-friendly IoT architecture that will... Discover project
The IOTWINS project will deliver large-scale industrial test beds leveraging and combining data... Discover project
The increasing quantities of data generated by modern industrial and business processes pose... Discover project
Secure reconfiguration over the cloud computing continuum Cloud computing is a centralised system... Discover project
Higher-level operating system for the IoT and edge Massive IoT deployment and data generation are... Discover project
A software stack and orchestration framework for the IT continuum Next-generation Internet of Things... Discover project
Under the European Commission’s Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative, the ONTOCHAIN project... Discover project
Introducing a framework that enhances the provision of cloud services in Europe The EU-funded... Discover project
Towards a holistic market of infrastructure automation tools The role of software management in... Discover project
The Pledger project aims at delivering a new architectural paradigm and a toolset that will pave the... Discover project