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Here you can find European funded projects in the areas of software technology, cybersecurity, and digital infrastructure. Use the search filter to find projects relevant to you.

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Available Projects (65)
Showing 13 - 24

Innovative framework set to meet the hurdles of media applications head-on Technological... Discover project
A new pipeline for software development Big industry, small enterprises and academics will team up... Discover project
Cyber-physical Systems of Systems (CPSoS) are large complex systems where physical elements interact... Discover project
Cyberwatching.eu (“The European watch on cybersecurity & privacy”) is the European observatory of... Discover project
Big Data for a lifetime Nowadays, the increasing pervasiveness of data and computing results in the... Discover project
Increasing software engineering productivity The emergence of new specifications, design and... Discover project
Health scientific discovery and innovation are expected to quickly move forward under the so-called... Discover project
Smart data is Big Data transformed into actionable data for a variety of business outcomes. It’s... Discover project
ELEGANT aims to solve the ever-increasing problem of software fragmentation in the IoT/Big Data... Discover project
As data becomes the new fuel of the economy and a key asset to address most societal challenges, the... Discover project
EVOLVE is a pan European Innovation Action with 19 key partners from 11 European countries... Discover project