Posted in Open Source

Watering the Future: How AI is Reshaping the Way We Manage Our Most Precious Resource

Water is a vital resource essential for life and indispensable for many industrial and agricultural activities, determining one of the UN/s sustainable development goals being a priority for most governments worldwide. Preceding the UN Congress on Water we discuss how the management of water resources has become a critical concern, and AI and business intelligence have emerged as powerful tools for improving water management.

Posted in Open Source

Transforming education with ChatGPT and large language models

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed many industries, and the possibilities of what it can achieve continue to expand.

Posted in Open Source

The Moral Compass of AI: Navigating the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

With the rapid digital transformation across industries, AI is rapidly transforming workflows and competences, from healthcare and finance to manufacturing and transportation. However, as AI becomes more advanced and widespread, there are growing concerns about the ethical implications of its use. In recent years, there has been a significant focus on the current state of AI and ethics, with many experts highlighting the need for ethical guidelines and standards to ensure that AI is used in a responsible and fair manner.

Posted in Open Source

Unleashing the Power of Generative AI: A Game-Changer for Our Lives

Once again the disruptive advances of scientific and technological innovation make the headlights. And like an information avalanche, it fills most communication channels, from blogs and social media to youtube tutorials and webinars, with the fantastic potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it can change our lives forever. In fact, AI has been between us for a while now, optimizing the operations we do every day at home, at work, and in our cars (even though they are not yet flying or driving on their own, but that has little to do with AI).

Posted in Open Source

10 October: SWForum.eu Webinar: Leveraging OSS technologies for better services in the European software ecosystem

We are organising a webinar on 10 October 2022 at 14:30 CEST and will focus on leveraging open source technologies for better services in the European software ecosystem.

SWForum.eu works to enhance the visibility and increase the competitiveness of research and innovation in the field of software technologies, digital infrastructure and cybersecurity, especially European-funded Research and Innovation Action (RIA) projects. Moreover, the project aims to introduce best practices and technology transfer opportunities to cross-synergise European excellence.

Posted in Open Source

HomeForUkraine: a project for supporting war refugees

Hello to everybody, I'm a web developer.

I'm working on a no-profit project called HomeForUkraine that should work like an Airbnb for war refugees, where people are the hoster and the "customers" are the no-profit organizations that have to find a temporary homes for war refugees.

Posted in Open Source

OSOR Country Intelligence Reports and Factsheets

The Open Source Observatory (OSOR) has the mission of promoting Free and Open Source Software in public administrations across and beyond Europe.